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This book is a serious contribution to the history of the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Lieutenant
Henry Moore Harrington has been missing in action for 128 years, his remains never identified, until now! This biography
of Custer's Lost Officer gives a whole new complexion to the battle and brings to life a forgotten hero.
A lowly second lieutenant in command of Company C of the 7th Cavalry, Henry Harrington is the man referred to by the
Sioux warriors as "The bravest man the Sioux ever fought." A combination of forensics, new historical
research, and Indian narrative shines the light of truth on a dark corner of history and brings recognition to a great soldier.
This book is sure to delight both the history lover and the casual reader. First Paperback Edition now available!
254 pages, 6" x 9", perfect binding.
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Private Peter Thompson's eyewitness account of Custer's Battle at the Little Big Horn. This account is annotated
by Walt Cross and allows the reader to ponder Thompson's story without intrusive comment. You may order this book online for
only $18.04 plus shipping.
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Available Non-fiction titles:
Cross Family Migration 5th revised edition.
This book traces the historical migration of the Cross family from Yorkshire, England in 1580. The family relocates to London
where one branch rises to nobility while the other flees England for the Maryland Colony. Immigrant ancestor John Crosse,
a rebel supporter of Lord Monmouth during his bid to capture the throne in 1685, is bound in service to the High Sheriff of
Calvert County, MD. The family gains land in Baltimore County and provides soldiers for the French and Indian War and the
American Revolution. By the time of the War of 1812 the family is firmly entrenched in Eastern Tennessee, North Carolina,
Maryland, and Virginia. When the Civil War begins, the family is divided with Cross men from Eastern Tennessee fighting for
both sides while those who migrated to Kentucky opt for the Union. The book traces the family to modern times. Soft cover,
528 pages, illustrated. $39.99 (plus $8.00 shipping and handling)
A [Cross] Family History of the Civil War, Volume 1 Union Men
This is the first volume of
a two volume series dealing with the Cross family's experiences in the Civil War. The book contains an historical narrative
of the Civil War in Kentucky and Eastern Tennessee, regimental histories, unit muster rosters, personal service records, and
official records of the war. A narrative history of each soldier is given. Soft cover, 280 pages, illustrated with maps, photos,
and drawings. $29.99 (plus $4.99 shipping and handling.
A [Cross] Family History of the Civil War, Volume 2 Confederate
This is the second volume of a two volume series dealing with the Cross family's experiences in the Civil War.
The book contains an historical narrative of the Civil War in Eastern Tennessee, regimental histories, unit muster rosters,
personal service records, and official records of the war. A narrative history of each soldier is given. Soft cover, 320 pages,
illustrated with maps, photos, and drawings. $29.99 (plus $4.99 shipping and handling).
A Sailor Comes to Virginia The story of the Moss family in America. Thomas B. Moss, an English
sailor, came to Essex County, Virginia in 1754. He left his ship and joined the local militia, serving with a young colonel
named George Washington. He liked the land bounty offered for his service and made a home in Virginia. When the American Revolution
came his loyalties were torn, so he left to go west. Ending his journey in middle Tennessee, he made his home there and raised
an American family. By the War of 1812 Thomas was determined to end his ties with the British forever, and joined to fight
on the American side. Soft cover, 83 pages, illustrated. $19.99 (plus $4.99 shipping and handling)

Now Available, a new novel written in the tradition of Sir Walter Scott, "The Legacy of Ivanhoe". Sir Brian
de Bois-Guilbert, outcast Templar Knight, and beautiful Rebecca of York, live again alongside Robin Hood, Prince John, and
Wilfred of Ivanhoe.
"It really does not let you stop reading. Keeps your eyes glued to the page." Brigita Masina
- The Netherlands. View and order here: www.lulu.com/greenpheon7
Sample Chapter
World War II History

The Story of the 7th Armored Division in WWII
A faithful recreation of the 7th Armored Division booklet issued to soldiers of the
division at the end of WWII. Soft cover, 242 pages, 46 illustrations, 23 in color to include a full colored glossy
battle map. Also includes a special account of the 87th Cavalry in the Battle of the Bulge and an account of the Battle of
St. Vith. Recently added is the history of the 203rd Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion of the 7th Armored Division.
View and order here.

The cover of this hip-pocket history of the 1st Armored Division in WWII
looks like it went on campaign with you. But its brand-new and the pages inside are crisp and clear with exceptional
photographs, maps, and drawings. The 62 pages are easy to read and will delight old soldiers and history enthusiasts
Order here:

"Co. Aytch" Illustrated, Annotated. You may have read an edition of "Co. Aytch" in the past, but never
like this. This Civil War classic by Sam R. Watkins has been illustrated with photographs and drawings, and annotated
by the editor with informative footnotes. This fascinating book is 266 pages.
You can preview and order this book here:
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